Tuesday 15 March 2016



To be fair, an expensive ingredient contains high nutrition value right? So, this post will expose about the swift nest goddesses.


Edible Bird's Nest, in decorative packaging

Traditionally, eating swiftlet nest material is believed to help maintain skin tone, balance qi ("life energy") and reinforce the immune system.

It is also believed to strengthen the lungs and prevent coughs, improve the constitution and prolong life.


AS FAIR AS SWIFT: Regular consumption of bird nest can maintain beauty skin

Then, the nutritional value of 100 g of dry nest includes 49.9 g of water-soluble protein (including amido nitrogen, monoamine nitrogen, non-amino nitrogen, arginine, humin, histidine, lysine and cysteine), 30.6 g carbohydrate (glycoprotein and mucin), 4.9 g iron, 2.5 g inorganic salt (including potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, silica and other trace elements), and 1.4 g fiber.

The energy contained in 100 g of swiftlet nest is 345 kcal. 

Well, bird nest definitely an all-rounder-nutrition food based on its overall nutrition.


Bird nest nutrition

The nests are often served simmered in chicken broth.

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